I'm a Baloch Girl from Balochistan & speaking for my people who love their country Pakistan but living in shadows of nationalists and terrorists recruited by the enemies of Pakistan. My views can be found on: http://sabrinabaloch.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
All Baloch shouldn’t be tarred with same brush
Saturday, October 9, 2010
RAW In Baluchistan in form of BLA-BRP or 'Balochvoice.com' پاکستاني بھایوں سے گزارش ھے کہ ان دھشتگردون کے خلاف خط لکھین
Brahmdagh is one of the most prominent faces of the ongoing Baloch insurgency sponsored by Delhi. Mr. Bugti is the grandson of Baloch politician Akbar Khan Bugti, a former chief minister and governor of Balochistan, who was killed during a military operation on August 26, 2006.While another of Nawab Bugti’s grandsons, Mir Aali Bugti, has been nominated as the sardar of the Bugti tribe, Brahmdagh has reportedly taken command of separatist Baloch fighters. The Pakistani government has blamed India for supporting the 28-year-old guerrilla commander through Afghanistan, where he is currently rumoured to be in hiding.
Bharat has been making a big hullabaloo about Mumbai, and doesn’t want to talk about the RAW sponsored LTTE attack on the Lankans in Lahore. The Delhi establishment tries to score points about terror in Bharat, but forgets to mention that Delhi armed, trained and supported the Mukti Bahni in East Pakistan, and then tried to rule Bangladesh with the Rakhi Bahni (run by a serving Indian general). Mr. Singh shouts about Pakistan from the rooftops, admits the Delhi involvement in Balauchistan, but then reneges on the admission and doesn’t stop the RAW support to the terrorists in Baluchistan. The expose on the BLA has been written by Mr. Baloch and the article on RAW has been written by regular Rupee News columnist Isha Khan from Dhaka Bangladesh.
The BLA was a relic of the cold war. During the USSR-USA war it was supported, financed and armed by the Soviet Union. When the USSR imploded, so did the BLA. With the massive development in Baluchistan happening, Baluchistan had two decades of peace. Mir Balaach Marri, the head of the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), was killed on 20 November 2007.sudden the six Indian consultates started training the exporting these people to create mayhem in Pakistan. Jundullah was also unleased to create issues in Iranian Sistan-Balauchistan.
The Balochistan Liberation Army has been listed as an organisation that funds, and promotes terrorism in the United Kingdom The group has also been listed a terror group by MIPT Terrorism Knowledge base, an organzation funded by the US Dept. for homeland Security” Wikipedia
The arrest of Faiz Baluch and Hyrbyair Marri by British Metropolitan Police Counter-Terrorism Command from north-west and west London on 4 December 2007, on the charges of “commissioning, preparing or instigating acts of terrorism”, clearly shows the seriousness of UK in their fight against terror. Both of them were held on two accounts under Terrorism Act of 2000: firstly, inciting people to commit an act of terrorism, and secondly, possessing “a weapon designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing” contrary to the Firearms Act. During the raids on the homes and offices, the police recovered large quantities of documents, DVDs, computer files and a cash of £4,000.
The two London residents are senior commanders of Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) – an international terrorist group that is banned in Britain by the then home secretary John Reid in July 2006. The BLA has been responsible for attacks on the infrastructure such as gas pipelines, power stations, electric pylons as well as bomb blasts where innocent civilian have been victims. Due to targeted military operation aganist the armed militants in Balochistan, many BLA activists sought political asylums or refuge in the European countries. These political asylum seekers under the garb of “aggrieved party” are sponsoring the foreign-based organizations of Pakistani origin responsible for committing acts of terrorism inside Pakistan.
14 Bharati “Consulates” are RAW terror centers spreading sabotage across the border in Pakistan. ‘Increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan is likely to exacerbate regional tensions and encourage Pakistani countermeasures in Afghanistan or India.’ (Gen Stanley McChrystal)
Hence, they pose an alarming threat to the international peace and stability. Realizing its threat, the British police have apprehended the miscreant element which is a welcome sign. This will provide an impetus to other European countries to check the activities of BLA in their respective countries. It will be pertinent to mention here, that the western societies, being the proponent of human liberties and human rights should be careful in granting political asylums or refuge to those individuals having false account. When they escape to a new country, the credibility of the asylum seekers must be established and police of the concerned country be also consulted. The duo arrested was granted asylum in Britain in 2002, despite of the fact that the account forwarded by these two incumbents was false and exaggerated.
The BLA has claimed responsibility for most of the attacks in reaction to the ongoing developmental activities in the province meant to improve the life-style of the common people. Look at the education, health, and other social indicators in the province. These essential amenities are embarrassingly low compared to other even less developed areas of the country. The Government is trying its level best to bring the area into socio-economic mainstream so that fruits of progress trickle down to the common man. But, few ego-centric sardars with the help of BLA want to disrupt developmental process by attacking vital installations.
he story of resistance in the area is a long one. First, Balochs have grievances against the federal Government which relate to exploitation of natural resources, in particular Sui gas, without adequate compensation. Second, the Baloch people also fear that the mega projects, in particular the Gwadar port city, would invite an influx of population from other provinces reducing the ethnic Baloch to a minority at some stage. Third, building of cantonments in the three most sensitive areas of Balochistan, is perceived as an attempt to control the resources. It is to say, if they have some genuine grievances against the policies of the Government, they should raise it at the forum of national assembly instead of going to streets. It is beyond comprehension that how few feudal sardars without backing of the general masses can make the country ‘hostage’.
The multi-billion dollar deep sea port in the coastal district of Gwadar, being built by the Chinese contractors, has provided myriads of opportunities to the Baloch people. The political analysts say that such paradoxical interpretations of the phenomenon by the “vested group” would only impede any solution to the Balochistan problem. The solution to the people’s issues lies in the distribution of the dividends of development equitably. The attacks on important national installations orchestrated by “miscreants,” has only alienated people and created new problems that only affected the poor people, further squeezing their opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
The international terrorism, no matter when, by whom, where, and in what form, is a grave threat to the world peace and security. It has shown that the world is not peaceful, so it is extremely necessary to strengthen international cooperation. Every country should take same position on condemning and fighting terrorism resolutely. Any person who carries out acts of terrorism should be punished and terrorist activities should be cracked down. All the foreign-based organizations consisting of nationals of Baloch origins, supporting/funding the asylum seeker miscreants should be taken to the task by the counter-terrorism authorities of the respective country.
All the Balochi websites operating in western countries responsible of fanning anti-Pakistan sentiments, are tantamount to inciting people to commit acts of terrorism, should also be precluded.
The BLA is the creation of Indian intelligence agencies, which are trying to create instability in the areas bordering Iran and Afghanistan. In the larger interest, the effective counter-terrorism requires Indian support and cooperation with Pakistan authorities to help create an environment of peace and tranquillity.
NOTE:- The BLA is a terror organizatیon declared a terrorist outfit by Pakistan, the US and the UK. The civilized world should write to president@bluehost.com,webmaster@bluehost.com, support@bluehost.com to shut down balochvoice.com which is run by a terror organization.،domain.tech@YAHOO-INC.COM
پاکستاني بھایوں سے گزارش ھے کہ ان دھشتگردون کے خلاف خط لکھین
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Undying Spirit and Yearning for Freedom

Kashmir issue is an internationally recognized political dispute and as per the international covenants, Kashmiris struggle is a legitimate struggle, their demand is a just demand for plebiscite to determine political future through universally accepted principle of right to self-determination. All the way through the rights movement in Kashmir has been constant and spontaneous by nature, though it had gone through many ups and downs over the past 63-years but one thing is clearly evident that the means of resistance have changed from time to time but Kashmiris’ demand remained unaltered all the way.
Recently the world witnessed the new-phase of the resistance movement, being organized and spearheaded by the valiant and vibrant youth of Kashmir. This newfangled art of resistance by Kashmiris has not only surprised political analysts at large but it had virtually baffled the ruling elite, the intelligentsia and Indian establishment that has been proclaiming that “separatist ideology” was non-existent in Kashmir.
The undying spirit of highly charged youth and the valor of the common masses painted a different picture of the resistance movement, it was altogether a new approach as people belonging to different shades of opinion, irrespective of their social and political affiliations, acted and spoke in unison; there was no second opinion, by and large all the players on ground were seen on the same page.
Born and brought-up in an environment plagued with oppression and suppression, this new generation, after taking the reigns of the ongoing movement, reasserted Kashmiris’ position and their resolve in a very different manner, unlike their predecessors they maintained complete restraint, instead of resorting to violent means they preferred to carry forward their struggle peacefully by organizing mass rallies all across the valley to grab the world attention towards the unresolved Kashmir dispute and the stepped-up human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops in Kashmir.
The protest demonstrations have been widespread and the public resentment against India was clearly evident all across the Kashmir vale, Chinab division (Doda, Baderwah and Kishtawar) and the other side of Peer-Panchal region including the Muslim majority areas of Poonch-Rajouri.
Though, the Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram at the very outset of mass-agitation described it as sheer frustration of unemployed youth and latter resorting to the traditional blame game Chidambaram hurled accusations on Pakistan, its premier intelligence agency the ISI and Lashkar Toyabah just to hide the fiasco.
India’s approach has been extremely belligerent and there was no change in its antagonistic behavior towards Kashmiris. As usual, New Delhi responded in a very callous and cold-blooded manner and used brute force to stifle Kashmiris’ voice. Whereas, Omar Abdullah, who very recently joined the shoe club, behaved more like New Delhi’s chief agent rather than the chief minister of the occupied territory.
He violated the public mandate ruthlessly and maintained criminal negligence over the continued blood bath of innocent civilians. At this very crucial stage, the junior Abdullah and his father Dr. Farooq usually preferred to please their masters. Instead of giving a healing touch to the bleeding wounds of Kashmiris they pursued New Delhi’s agenda just to remain in power.
Baffled by the simmering situation, the duo asked New Delhi to deploy more troops to quell the public uprising. And this was for the first time that India deployed Rapid Action Force (RAF) to muzzle the voice of freedom. On one hand Indian troops played havoc thereby killing more than 100 Kashmiris within a three months time, while on the other hand, its secret agencies remained deeply engaged in hatching conspiracies against Kashmiris. To give a bad name to the ongoing peaceful struggle the agencies tried to create a wedge between Muslims and the Sikh community.
Besides maligning the peaceful struggle of Kashmiris, Indians also tried very hard to give a notion that the uprising was just confined within Srinagar and some other towns of the valley but the world media; however, turned down India’s proclamations and termed the uprising as most powerful non-violent movement against India. While commenting on the current situation the New York Times noted that India was facing Intifada-like popular revolt in Kashmir. One of the positive aspects of the ongoing public revolt against India was that the people demonstrated highest degree of forbearance and extended their hand of co-operation in maintaining unity at all levels while generously supporting and adhering to the protest calendars issued by Syed Ali Geelani led Hurriyat faction. Not only the men and youth who are supposed to be a critical part of any successful movement, the women folk was even seen at the forefront at this crucial phase of mass agitation against India.
Anyways, this is not a new phenomenon; Kashmir has the history that besides offering matchless sacrifices, the hapless people of this troubled region have always followed their leaders with absolute sincerity, faithfulness and indeed without any pretence… but it is very unfortunate that the leadership always failed to deliver in the times of trial. At this very crucial stage when there was a dire need of complete unity and concurrence at all levels, Hurriyat leaders who claim to be the champions of Azadi (freedom) movement, seem to be poles apart from each other. Although they talk about unity but practically there is a huge gap, there is a trust-deficit and lack of magnanimity. And indeed there is personality clash and egotism that has badly damaged their collective cause on one hand while on the other people continued to suffer awfully.
The All Parties Hurriyat Conference was established in Jammu and Kashmir in 1993 one hoped that it would emerge as a broad based policy making institution cum political forum. Instead of consolidating various political actors on ground, on the contrary, it led to the further disintegration and estrangement. Nonetheless, leaders of the segregated factions of APHC may give a thousand arguments to prove their innocence in this regard but being the sole representatives of the red hot blood of Kashmiri martyrs, as they claim, it is their legal and moral responsibility to fight the forces of evil (the enemies of Kashmiri nation) by adhering to the rules and regulations established in the Hurriyat constitution. Constitutionally, they are bound to consolidate political forces on ground besides providing a strong mechanism to tackle the challenges faced by the nation.
While realizing the importance of the current peaceful uprising in the valley it is incumbent on the Hurriyat leadership to forge a broad base unity and work painstakingly to steer the nation out of the dark prospects of alienation and chaotic situation that has overwhelmingly crippled the civil society.
Holding mammoth public demonstrations, delivering long sermons in the mosques, ridiculing the opponents is not the only job of leaders…revolutionary leadership is supposed to guide the masses in the times of trial, maintain the tempo of the movement and to give right direction to the peoples’ sentiment to make it a success.
A soul-searching self-analysis is deeply needed at the moment; not to talk of a commoner, the movement leadership may have achieved a lot individually, but as a nation Kashmiris stand at point-zero even after sacrificing more than 100 thousand lives.
The people of Jammu and Kashmir have offered great sacrifices to achieve the cherished goal of freedom; their demand is a just demand. Having paid the highest forfeiture of thousands of lives to get the globally recognized right, the right to self-determination, the wailing valley of Kashmir seeks attention of the highest body (UN) and the peace loving people of the world at large. Millions of peaceful protesters marching on the streets of Kashmir have given their verdict against India. The world community’s policy of indifference towards Kashmir at this crucial stage would have dangerous repercussions on the overall geo-political situation of the region and therefore it is high time that the international community should come forward in a big way to help resolve the dispute of Kashmir peacefully.
The Indian civil society that has expressed grave concern over the prevailing situation in Kashmir too should impress upon the Indian ruling elite to desist from using indiscriminate force against Kashmiris. Palming off and on is not the solution to the problem; it is high time that the Indian rulers should adopt a realistic approach and accept this hard reality that the uprising spearheaded by the vibrant Kashmiri youth is nothing but a newfangled mode of resistance against India’s illegal occupation.
Last but not the least; Indians should also accept the ground reality that people of Kashmir were not ready to accept its dominance at any cost. They should bear in mind the very fact that they can vilify, denounce, harass or even for that matter kill Kashmiris but they can not kill their undying sprit for freedom. Rather than using brute force against the innocent civilians India should acknowledge Kashmir as a disputed territory and resolve this decade’s long conflict through peaceful means once and for all.